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Motion reference unit

Home | Motion reference unit

A motion reference unit is indispensable equipment for every ship, boat, or other type of vessel. At Navigation Solutions Europe we sell different models for subsea applications. Our company is based in Culemborg, in the Netherlands. We are an experienced distributor of navigation and refence systems of top-notch brands, such as SBG Systems.

✓ Specialist in deploying and maintaining GPS

✓ Premium support with every product

✓ Solutions for the most challenging environments

Are you looking to buy a motion reference unit?

Navigation Solutions Office

What does a motion reference unit measure?

This unit is not like any other global positioning system, as it does not measure the current location of your vessel. With its many inertial sensors, it does however calculate the:

  • Sway of the ship
  • Accelerations
  • Angular rates
  • Velocity
  • Roll and pitch
  • Heave

Are you looking to employ one of these motion reference units for subsea purposes? Then the Ekinox-M is the perfect solution for you. It can go up to six thousand meters under the sea surface level. Thanks to its handy port connectivity, you can also mount Ethernet on the device for an even better performance.

Do you have any questions?

Stop by our store to view our full range of products

Whether you are interested in buying a GNSS compass or a motion reference unit, we are sure to have the right equipment for you. Stop by our store in The Netherlands to find a GPS solution or reference system that fits your needs. Our friendly employees always welcome you with open arms.