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Maritime GPS

Home | Maritime GPS

A maritime GPS is a must-have when heading out to open sea or navigating the different ports around the world. At Navigation Solutions Europe we are specialized in all types of navigation systems for maritime use. Our company is located in Culemborg, The Netherlands, but we ship our products all around the world.

✓ Specialist in deploying and maintaining GPS

✓ Premium support with every product

✓ Solutions for the most challenging environments

Are you looking to buy a maritime GPS or one of the processing units?

Navigation Solutions Office

Why is a maritime GPS essential on every boat and ship?

Travelling through open seas is exceedingly difficult without any GPS systems. There are no signs that can tell you where you are or where to go to reach your preferred destination. This is why an accurate GPS solution is essential on a boat or ship. Our advanced navigation products will provide you with a precise location and map the surroundings in detail. Thanks to the new technologies added to our maritime navigation solutions, our maritime GPS can even be used by oceanographers and hydrographers for underwater surveying.

Do you have any questions?

Request a quote for our maritime devices

Whether you are looking to buy a maritime GPS or one of the processing units by Navsight, we always provide you with a fair price. To be sure of the exact price of our maritime devices, you are free to request a quote. Fill out our contact form and you will receive the quote soon. In the meantime, you can look around online and discover other subsea motion reference units.